May Mental Capacity Law Newsletters now out

Unusually this month – but proving that we do not simply generate material for the sake of it – we do not have any Health, Welfare and Deprivation of Liberty or Scotland Newsletters because there have been no developments of sufficient note to merit coverage.   Note, though, that we are anticipating shortly the interim statement from the Law Commission on their Mental Capacity and Deprivation of Liberty project which we will be covering in our next Newsletter.  Highlights this month include:

  1. In the Property and Affairs Newsletter: causing your own incapacity and the consequences for personal injury proceedings;
  2. In the Practice and Procedure Newsletter: the transparent fall-out from the C case;
  3. In the Capacity outside the COP Newsletter: two guest pieces: (1) an introduction to her role by Amanda Solloway MP, the new Rapporteur on Mental Health for the Joint Committee on Human Rights; and (2) an article by Patricia Rickard-Clarke outlining the provisions of the Assisted Decision-Making (Ireland) Act 2015

These (and the compendium/screen-friendly versions) are all available here.

Happy reading!

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