If you want to read more by me, and can face paying, you may want to look at:
The Mental Capacity Act in context
Mental Capacity Law and Practice (Jordans, 4th edition, 2018, co-author), an authoritative commentary on the MCA, highlighting areas of potential difficulty and offering practical guidance on the challenges that the legislation poses.
Overcoming Challenges in The Mental Capacity Act (Jessica Kingsley Publishers 2019, co-author), a guide providing practitioners with the tools for working with complex mental capacity issues. Focusing on developing communication and self-reflection skills to improve assessments and support autonomy, the guide sets out the ethical underpinning for assessments of mental capacity and best interests.
Guide to the Assessment of Mental Capacity (BMA/Law Society, 5th edition, 2022; editor and co-author), outlines the current legal requirements in England and Wales concerning assessment of mental capacity across the specific domains most likely to be encountered in practice. Aimed at doctors and lawyers in the first instance, the book is equally relevant for social workers.
The Court of Protection
Court of Protection Handbook (Legal Action Group, 4th edition, 2022, editor and co-author), the first book to address in detail the practice and processes of the Court of Protection – across the whole range of its work – in terms that are aimed not solely at lawyers but also to the increasing numbers of people who either by choice or otherwise are involved in proceedings before the Court of Protection without legal help.
Court of Protection Practice (LexisNexis, annual, co-author), a detailed and comprehensive ‘one-stop-shop’ which ensures that practitioners have all the latest developments at their fingertips.
Comparative and cross-border
Capacity, Participation and Values in Comparative Legal Perspective (Bristol University Press, 2023, co-editor), an edited collection providing a detailed comparison of how legal and ethical commitments to persons with disabilities are framed in capacity law across different national systems,
The International Protection of Adults (Oxford University Press, 2015, editor and co-author), the only comprehensive survey of the key issues in relation to mental capacity in 42 jurisdictions, as well as detailed analysis of the 2000 Hague Convention on the International Protection of Adults.