Highlights this month include:
(1) In the Health, Welfare and Deprivation of Liberty Report: the limits of wishes and feelings and a different take on Article 5;
(2) In the Property and Affairs Report: changes to EPA/LPA registration fees;
(3) In the Practice and Procedure Report: a further amendment to the CoP Rules, a major on the participation of P, a guest article on ground rules in cross-examination and HRA damages, costs and the LAA;
(4) In the Wider Context Report: tools to address coercive control, the MCA and immigration detention, and the second issue of the International Journal of Mental Health and Capacity Law;
(5) In the Scotland Newsletter: an important Sheriff Appeal Court decision about care charges and the divestment of assets.
They can all be found here, along with our past issues, our case summaries, and much more.