Deprivation of Liberty Guidance now out!

The guidance on deprivation of liberty which I have been working with Neil Allen, Sophy Miles, Paula Scully and Beverley Taylor has now been published by the Law Society.

The guidance was commissioned by the Department of Health and aims to help solicitors and frontline health and social care professionals identify when a deprivation of liberty may be occurring in a number of health and care settings.

It uses case scenarios to explain the law following the landmark judgment of the Supreme Court in the Cheshire West guidance.

The complete guidance is available here. You can also download individual chapters relating to specific care settings.

Quick reference sheets also highlight relevant liberty restricting factors and key questions for practitioners relating to each individual setting.

Guidance documents

Quick reference guides

Listen to the podcast

I have also recorded a podcast discussing the essential messages flowing from what is a lengthy guidance document. I focus on:

  • the key points emanating from the Cheshire West case and its practical effect on the ground
  • the correct approach to be taken in making decisions on deprivation of liberty and seeking authorisation

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