The September 2018 39 Essex Chambers Mental Capacity Report will shortly be landing in inboxes, but for those who cannot wait, highlights this month include:
(1) In the Health, Welfare and Deprivation of Liberty Report: life-sustaining treatment and the courts, fertility treatment in extremis and an update on the Mental Capacity (Amendment) Bill;
(2) In the Property and Affairs Report: inheritance tax planning and the MCA;
(3) In the Practice and Procedure Report: a new Vice-President, a case study in poor care planning and its costs consequences, deprivation of liberty of children – the Court of Protection or Family Division?;
(4) In the Wider Context Report: an important decision on disability and challenging behaviour, guidance from the LGA, ADASS and RCN, and deprivation of liberty looked at overseas;
(5) In the Scotland Report: disability discrimination and unfavourable treatment, AWI consultation response analysis published, and judicial training as part of increasing access to justice for people with disabilities.
The Report also comes in compendium and screen-friendly forms.
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