Wellcome Trust Clinical Research position: Supporting Advance Directives in Bipolar Disorder.

As part of a team (Dr Gareth Owen (psychiatry, Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience), Dr Tania Gergel (mental health ethics), Dr Larry Rifkin (psychiatry, South London & Maudsley), and me (law) aiming to develop a tailored model of self-binding advance directives in Bipolar Affective Disorder within a real-life clinical service and to develop guidance for professional organisations, service-users and carers on advance directives, as well as recommendations for law reform, we are looking to recruit a Clinical Researcher.

This would be a four-year position starting in January 2017 (although there could be some degree of flexibility on timing). We are looking for someone who has completed (or is shortly due to complete) membership of the Royal College of Psychiatrists and is interested in combining academic research with clinical training.

Service user involvement will be integral to the project throughout and there will also be an important Medical Humanities element, focusing on personhood and decision-making in Bipolar.   There will be the opportunity to complete a PhD as part of their work on this project and to develop specialist expertise on Bipolar.

This team is one work stream within Mental Health and Justice, a major collaborative and interdisciplinary five-year research project, funded by the Wellcome Trust.  Informed by the debate surrounding the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disability (UNCRPD), the project will explore multiple aspects of the questions surrounding the nature of decision-making ability within mental disorder and how decision-making can be supported when compromised by illness.

Alongside the academic research, one day each week will be spent working in clinical practice to maintain a clinical training pathway. The candidate will be supported with a Health Education England OOPR application to count toward CCT.

If you think that you might be interested and would like to know more about the position, please contact Dr Gareth Owen (gareth.1.owen@kcl.ac.uk; tel 0207 8485479) for further information.  Please look out for the advertisement on the King’s College London vacancy page.

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