I am very pleased to announce an ESRC funded project with which I am involved – the Safeguarding Adults and Legal Literacy (or ‘SALLY’) series investigating the impact of the Care Act. The theme for the seminars in the first year of this three years series is ‘Making Law’. We aim to theorise the process of law reform, exploring the interplay in making law between research and practice evidence, policy, advocacy and political debate.
The first seminar provides an opportunity to reflect on law-making contributions of researchers, civil society organisations, pressure and advocacy groups, statutory health and welfare agencies. Entitled ‘Building the Care Act: evidence-based policy or policy-based evidence?’, it will be held from 10.am – 4.pm on Friday 22nd January 2016, Keele Hall, Keele University. It is free to attend, and lunch and refreshments will be provided. For more details, including how to register, please click here.
A new website accompanying the series is also available here.