The October Mental Capacity Law Newsletters are now out.
Highlights this month include:
(1) In the Health, Welfare and Deprivation of Liberty Newsletter: further upheaval in the Re X procedure, a paradigm best interests decision, clarity as to CTOs and a further clash between the COP and public law; Please click here for the Newsletter.
(2) In the Property and Affairs Newsletter: overseas deputies and changes to the OPG’s supervision model; Please click here for the Newsletter.
(3) In the Practice and Procedure Newsletter: the (indemnity) cost of getting it wrong and COP statistics; Please click here for the Newsletter.
(4) In the Capacity outside the COP Newsletter: the appointment of the Chair of the National Mental Capacity Forum, a new toolkit for advance decisions, Jersey’s draft capacity law and the social model of disability as it applies in relation to dementia; Please click here for the Newsletter.
(5) In the Scotland Newsletter: the Glasgow Sheriff Court Practice Note critically dissected and MWC monitoring reports analysed; Please click here for the Newsletter.
To read the full compendium newsletter please click here.
The Chambers Court of Protection team also take this opportunity to invite you to our seminar on capacity, competence, clients and witnesses on 3 November, please click here for full information and booking details and also to highlight the Newsletter editors’ new guidance note on best interests assessment, which draws in part upon the forthcoming 4th edition of the Law Society/BMA book on Assessment of Mental Capacity, edited by me and with chapters written by Tor, Fenella Morris QC and Nicola Kohn.
And remember, you can now find all our past issues, our case summaries, and much more on our dedicated sub-site here.