NMCF Webinar: managing without the Liberty Protection Safeguards

Registration is open for the next NMCF Webinar, which takes places this Thursday, 11 April, noon-1pm.  The focus will be on the challenges of applying the MCA/DoLS framework in the absence of the Liberty Protection Safeguard (LPS).  With implementation of the LPS now postponed, how can we best ensure effective implementation of the MCA/DoLS framework so as to provide meaningful protection of the liberty of vulnerable persons whose capacity may be impaired?

Confirmed speakers include: Margaret Flynn (NMCF Chair); Lorraine Currie (West Midlands ADASS); Martin Sexton (Principal Social Worker for Adult Social Care, Salford); Chelle Farnan; Ben Troke (Partner, Weightmans Solicitors); Alex Ruck Keene (Barrister, 39 Essex Chambers).


Participation is free, however places are limited and advance registration is required. To register, please follow the registration link and answer the registration questions.  

Register here:


The National Mental Capacity Forum (NMCF) is a joint initiative of the Ministry of Justice and the Department of Health and Social Care. Its purpose is to advocate at a national level for the Mental Capacity Act 2005 (MCA) and to identify and support local actions to improve awareness, understanding and implementation of the MCA. To sign up for the NMCF mailing list, and to receive details of future NMCF events, please email NMCF1@Justice.gov.uk, including the word ‘subscribe’ in the subject line.

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