Next month’s newsletter is getting longer and longer

The judiciary have been going into overdrive.   Since my last mini news update, not only will be reporting upon the vitally important case of Re N and its re-affirmation of the centrality of P in decision-making, we will also have:

Re AG [2015] EWCOP 78 on case management, when to have a fact-finding hearing (and reminding local authorities of the limits of their power to remove people from their homes);

MM v WL Clinic [2015] AAC 644 vindicating the right of those with capacity to consent to conditional discharge to conditions of confinement; and

Kings College NHS Foundation Trust v C and V [2015] EWCOP 80, a very sad, but very important case on capacity, including an exceptionally clear analysis of the key principles

Watch this space for more on or after 9 December (aka as soon as the editors can catch up with the courts).

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