Welcome to the June 2015 Newsletters, available here. Highlights include:
1. In the Health, Welfare and Deprivation of Liberty Newsletter: two more decisions about the vexed interaction between the MHA/MCA, revocation of a health and welfare deputyship and updated SCIE guidance on DOLS;
2. In the Property and Affairs Newsletter: an important case on complex provisions in LPAs, calibration of risk, and new guidance from the OPG for attorneys;
3. In the Practice and Procedure Newsletter: Schedule 3 under the spotlight, costs on appeal, and the possibility of damages for breach of the right to autonomy;
4. In the Capacity outside the COP Newsletter: a very useful perspective from Singapore on undue influence and the MCA, and case-law and legislative developments impacting upon capacity issues;
5. In the Scotland Newsletter: an important judicial review in the context of compliance with mental health obligations which sheds light on equivalent obligations under the 2000 Act, a useful case upon habitual residence, statistics from the OPG, and an update on relevant legislative developments.
Remember you can now find all our past issues, our case summaries, and much more on our dedicated sub-site here. The editors of the newsletter are also delighted to announce that, as of later this month, tailored summaries of key cases will be available on the SCIE website to assist front-line professionals access case-law updates.
Happy reading!