How to undertake a review – lessons from Scotland

The Independent Review of Learning Disability and Autism in Scotland’s mental health legislation has published two important reports to sit alongside its final report and recommendations published in December 2019 (the easy read version being here).

The first is a report on how the Review undertook its task.  This is important resource, both for those wanting to understand how the Review reached its conclusions, but also for others who may seek in future to undertake a review with an equally intense focus upon those with lived experience. The letter sent by the Review team to organisations of people with lived experience is also of note for the careful way in which it seeks to comply with the CRPD Committee’s guidance on participation by providing an “explicit explanation in an understandable format of the findings, considerations and reasoning of decisions on how their views were considered and why.”

The second report published is an evidence resource.  This will be extremely useful for anyone wanting to get an easily accessible update on international human rights norms in relation to learning disability and autism, and how other comparable jurisdictions provide (if they do) in legal terms for these conditions.


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