Highlights this month include:
1.In the Health, Welfare and Deprivation of Liberty Newsletter: DOLS and objections, the scope of s.21A appeals and best interests in treatment withdrawal;
2. In the Property and Affairs Newsletter: capacity to revoke an LPA, capacity and IVAs, and litigation friends, influence and trusts;
3. In the Practice and Procedure Newsletter: the Court of Appeal looks at committal, dismissing vs withdrawing proceedings, and the acceptable limits in criticising witnesses;
4. In the Capacity outside the COP Newsletter: news from the National Mental Capacity Forum, new consent guidelines for anaesthetists, an important Serious Case Review regarding self-neglect, an update on the international protection of vulnerable adults and a Christmas book corner;
5. In the Scotland Newsletter: delegation by attorneys and getting it backwards as regards capability to stand trial.
All can be found here, along with all our past issues, our case summaries and much more. ‘One-pagers’ of the cases in these Newsletters of most relevance to social work professionals will also shortly appear on the SCIE website.
The Newsletter be back in early February, and the editors wish you all a very happy holidays in the interim. I will, of course post, updates on key cases – such as SRK – here before the next issue is published.