Centre for Health, Law, and Society Symposium: Redrawing the Boundaries of Mental Health and Capacity Law

9 March 2022 promises to be a day of delights,  In addition to the conference on reforming the MHA 1983 noted here, it also sees the University of Bristol’s Centre for Health, Law and Society Symposium.  It is a free online event, the outline being below:

Key note lecture by Dr Camillia Kong, Birkbeck College: ‘You bring to your work whatever you are: Empirical and Normative Insights from the Judging Values and Participation in Mental Capacity Law Project’. Followed by a response from Dr Lucy Series, Cardiff University.

Sophie Chester-Glynn, University of Bristol: ‘Mental disability, the law and ‘the Other’: reassessing the effects of mental health and mental capacity law through a postcolonial critical lens’

Mollie Cornell, University of Bristol: Mental Health and Capacity Law: What Can Philosophy Teach Us?’

Martha Scanlon, University of Bristol: ‘Rethinking adolescent mental health law’

Bonnie Venter, University of Bristol: Share Your Spare: Revisiting Mental Capacity and Living Kidney Donation’

  • 16:00-16:55: Session 3: Mental health law in motion: Expert panel on mental health law review and reform. Chaired by Professor Sheelagh McGuinness / Dr Oliver Quick

Professor Gavin Davidson, Queen’s University Belfast: ‘The development and implementation of a non-discriminatory legal framework for Northern Ireland’

Professor Judy Laing, University of Bristol: ‘More rights, fewer wrongs? Where are we now with mental health law reform in England and Wales?

Professor Colin McKay, Edinburgh Napier University: ‘Beyond Compulsion – reform of mental health and capacity law in Scotland’ 

  • 16:55 – 17:00: Close. Professor Sheelagh McGuinness/Dr Oliver Quick

To register, see here.

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