This will shortly be circulated to those on the mailing list but by way of preview, highlights this month include:
(1) In the Health, Welfare and Deprivation of Liberty Report: an update on the Mental Capacity (Amendment) Bill, a further appreciation of Alastair Pitblado and a report on a seminar on the new law at the end of life;
(2) In the Property and Affairs Report: deputies, costs and security bonds, and dealing with impermissible directives in powers of attorney;
(3) In the Practice and Procedure Report: two important decisions on costs and a seminar on improving participation in the Court of Protection;
(4) In the Wider Context Report: the new NICE guideline on decision-making and capacity, capacity and the Mental Health Tribunal, coverage of developments relating to learning disability and an CRPD update.
There is no Scotland report this month as our Scottish contributors are entirely tied up with projects both domestic and foreign, about which we hope to bring you news in the next Report.
The compendium report can be found here, and the screen-friendly version here.
You can find all our past issues, our case summaries, and more on our dedicated sub-site here.