The LPS and care providers

In this video, recorded on 12 July 2022, I give an overview of how the LPS is relevant for care providers (primarily residential care providers), and what steps they need to be taking to ready themselves for LPS implementation.

The slides to which I speak are here.  Boring but necessary caveat: none of what I say here constitutes legal advice.

4 Replies to “The LPS and care providers

  1. Alex this is great for providers and I have shared far and wide.
    Have you considered doing a short video for GP responsibilities under the new proposed LPS? Re: use of the pre populated form that has been devised. It would be very helpful to share amongst the GP Networks.

    1. Thanks very much! I am hoping to do some more, including for those working with 16/17 year olds. It’s too hot at the moment in the shed, though!

  2. I found this so helpful. Like Karen I have shared widely in my organisation. These concepts are so hard to break down and present is a way they can be easily under stood on the front line of care. Thank you, and I look forward to staying in touch.

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