The DHSC published on 25 June 2021 (on a page to be populated with more detail on a rolling basis) details of two English implementation support programmes for LPS.
1. Local Government Implementation Support Programme
This programme will be led by the Local Government Association and the Association of Directors of Adult Social Services, in partnership with the Department for Health and Social Care (DHSC), with support from the Department for Education (DFE). It will:
- develop exemplar training products for local authorities, for the conversion of best interest assessors (BIAs) to approved mental capacity professionals (AMCPs). The government proposes that BIAs under DoLS are replaced with the statutory AMCP role under LPS. BIAs that wish to convert to AMCPs would need to undergo training, which would be delivered by local authorities. Exemplar training will help local authorities prepare and deliver high quality training.
- appoint ‘regional implementation champions’ separately for adult and children’s services in each of the English regions
- provide targeted support to local authorities to facilitate implementation planning and activities
- work through established regional structures across both adult and children’s services to develop and disseminate key information about LPS and to inform local authority planning for implementation
This programme will be led by the Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE) and Skills for Care in partnership with the DHSC. It will:
- establish how the social care sector is planning for LPS and what national support it needs to make implementation a success
- develop and disseminate key information about LPS to inform social care providers’ planning for implementation. This will include exemplar guidance, resources and training for people working in social care.
The DHSC also outlined that it is working with the NHS in England, including Health Education England, on plans for a third implementation support programme for health, and confirmed that more information about implementation planning, workforce training and readiness will be included in the government’s forthcoming public consultation on LPS.
For my resources about the LPS, including a video walkthrough, see here.