June Mental Capacity Law Newsletters now published 

Highlights this month include:

1. In the Health, Welfare and Deprivation of Liberty Newsletter: Neil Allen comments on the Law Commission’s interim statement, Charles J on deputies and Article 5, and an updated Guidance Note on judicial authorisation of deprivation of liberty; 

2. In the Property and Affairs Newsletter: Senior Judge Lush on the difference between property and affairs and welfare deputies and new OPG guidance; 

3. In the Practice and Procedure Newsletter: an appreciation of Senior Judge Lush by Penny Letts OBE ahead of his retirement in July; and 

4. In the Capacity outside the COP Newsletter: a major report on the compliance with article 12 CRPD of the three jurisdictions of the United Kingdom and a guest article by Roy Mclelland OBE on the new Mental Capacity (Northern Ireland) Act 2016; Click here to view the newsletter.

In large part because its editors have been all but entirely subsumed with work on the report on CRPD compliance, there is no Scotland newsletter this month.  

All the Newsletters are available here.  

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