Essex Autonomy Project Summer School – 10th anniversary

Registration for the 10th Essex Autonomy Project Summer School is now open.  The EAP Summer School is an annual 3 day event, held each July in Wivenhoe Park.  Each year the Summer School brings together a group of students, researchers, activists, clinicians, social workers, service-users, and public officials in order to work together on the challenges of embedding respect for autonomy and human rights in the practices of care.

As the EAP Summer School website puts it:

2020 marks the tenth anniversary of the Autonomy Project. To mark the occasion, we are welcoming back a number of veterans of past Autonomy Project Summer Schools. One alumnus of the very first iteration of the Summer School was recently elected to Parliament as the MP for Runnymede and Weybridge. He will be returning to help us think about strategies for law reform, particularly about the prospects and obstacles for so-called “Fusion Law” — the legislative approach which synthesises the Mental Health Act and Mental Capacity Act. Another alum is the founder of SDM-Japan, and will be part of a panel that provides an update on international efforts to establish programmes of Supported Decision-Making (SDM) — a strategy for achieving compliance with the United Nations Convention of The Rights of Persons with Disabilities. As always, we will also do some philosophy. We will have a session on personal identity in the context of care, another on the idea of respect for the will, and a third in which we will explore the phenomenon known as juridification — the process whereby human practices (including care practices) are increasingly subject to strict legal rules and regulations. We will conclude with an update on the most recent EAP research findings, including a preview of findings from our pioneering study of clinical decision-making, insight, and human rights.

For my details, and to book, see here.

[Full disclosure, I’ll be one of the speakers].

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