Case Management Pilot Draft published

The long-awaited case management pilot has now been published in draft form for comment and consideration before it goes live in June of this year.  There will be more analysis of it and of its implications in next month’s Mental Capacity Law Newsletter, but and very brief terms of pilot envisages very clear pathways for health and welfare cases, property and affairs cases, and mixed cases. 

In all cases, the pilot Case Management Direction will place an obligation on applicants to provide improved analysis of the issues at the start of a case, allowing for more robust case management decisions to be taken at the outset and all issues to be identified at the earliest opportunity in proceedings. It will also seek to encourage early resolution of cases, to reduce the number and length of hearings required in contested cases and to promote judicial continuity. The pilot is expected to run for up to 12 months.

Separately, and also to start in June, a pilot has been published to tighten up the procedures relating to s.49 reports.  The pilot aims to ensure that such reports from public bodies are attained in a proportionate, targeted and, above all, useful fashion.  

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