The November 2018 Mental Capacity Report will shortly be landing in inboxes, but is available here by way of preview. Highlights this month include:
(1) In the Health, Welfare and Deprivation of Liberty Report: an update on the Mental Capacity (Amendment) Bill; sex, risk and public anxiety; and a slew of significant decisions relating to medical treatment;
(2) In the Practice and Procedure Report: Sir James Munby addresses the LAG Community Care Conference and updates from the Court Users Group;
(4) In the Wider Context Report: relevant developments from around the world, including an important decision from Australia reflecting back on practice under the MCA;
(5) In the Scotland Report: a report from the WorldGuardianship Congress, and the impact in Scotland of an important caseconcerning disability discrimination and autism.
There is no Property and Affairs Report this month as our editor is having a well-earned break; but he would relay to you if here the frustrating news of the delay to the Law Commission’s project on wills.
The compendium version can be found here, and the screen-friendly version here.
You can find all our past issues, our case summaries, and more on our dedicated sub-site here.